Information Collection Form (Keynote Speeches, ICWPT 2023)

Information Collection Form (Keynote Speeches, ICWPT 2023)


Information Collection Form (Keynote Speeches, ICWPT 2023)

Suggested Time

2023.10.14   9:00-9:30

Title of Speech

Foreign Object Detection in Wireless Power Transfer Systems

Name(s)/Title(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. Chris Mi

Photo(s) of Speaker(s)

Abstract of Speech

Wireless power transfer (WPT) technology has been developed for the wireless charging of electric vehicles, consumer electronics, and other applications. Inductive power transfer (IPT) uses the magnetic field for power transfer and it is currently the most popular and mature WPT technology. However, the strong magnetic field will heat up metal objects falling in the charging area due to eddy currents generated in the objects. It can also harm animals or toddlers staying in the charging area. To deal with these issues, foreign object detection (FOD), including metal object detection (MOD) and living object detection (LOD), should be developed for the safe operation of IPT systems. FOD can be divided into system parameter detection methods, wave-based detection methods, and field-based detection methods. System parameter detection methods are normally used in low-power systems for MOD. Wave-based detection methods are suitable for high-power applications, for both MOD and LOD. Field-based detection methods work for both high-power and low-power applications, for both MOD (in an inductive way) and LOD (in a capacitive way). This presentation first reviews and summarizes the state-of-the-art development of FOD technology in IPT systems. Then, a novel detection coil layout is presented to not only cover the whole charging area but also decouple from the transmitter and receiver to minimize the impacts on power transfer. A mixed resonant circuit will be explained which will have better performance than the parallel resonant circuit. The impacts of the detection coil layer, turn number, trace width, and the capacitance ratio in the mixed resonant circuit will be discussed.

Bio(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. Mi is the Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at San Diego State University. He is a Fellow of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). He is also the Director of the US Department of Energy-funded Graduate Automotive Technology Education (GATE) Center for Electric Drive Transportation at SDSU. He was previously a faculty member at the University of Michigan-Dearborn from 2001 to 2015, and an Electrical Engineer with General Electric from 2000 to 2001. He also served as the CTO of Power Solutions from 2008 to 2011, and CTO of EV Safe Charger, Inc. from 2021.  Prof. Mi received his Ph. D from the University of Toronto, Canada, in 2001.

Prof. Mi has published five books, 200+ journal papers, 130 conference papers, and 20+ issued and pending patents. He served as Editor-in-Chief, Area Editor, Guest Editor, and Associate Editor of multiple IEEE Transactions and international journals, as well as the General Chair of over ten IEEE international conferences. Prof. Mi has won numerous awards, including the “Distinguished Teaching Award” and “Distinguished Research Award” from the University of Michigan-Dearborn, IEEE Region 4 “Outstanding Engineer Award,” IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section “Outstanding Professional Award,” and SAE “Environmental Excellence in Transportation (E2T) Award.” He is the recipient of three Best Paper Awards from IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and the 2017 ECCE Student Demonstration Award. In 2019, he received the Inaugural IEEE Power Electronics Emerging Technology Award. In 2022, he received the Albert W. Johnson Research Lectureship and named the Distinguished Professor, the highest honor given to a SDSU faculty member and only one award is given each year. Most recently, he received the 2023 IEEE PELS Vehicle and Transportation Systems Achievement Award.

Suggested Time

2023.10.14   9:30-10:00

Title of Speech

The Present and Future of WPT for Electric Vehicles and Mobile Devices

Name(s)/Title(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. Chun T. Rim

Photo(s) of Speaker(s)

Abstract of Speech

Recent advances in wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies for electric vehicles (EVs) and mobile devices (MDs) are presented. Rapid increase in EVs of more than 10 millions a year drives the need for wireless charging. Development status of static and dynamic wireless charging for EVs is introduced and a few important design issues are introduced. Recent advances in WPT for MDs such as drones, robots, smart phones, and IoTs are also discussed. The future of WPT in EVs and MDs are presented, including synthesized magnetic focusing (SMF) technology.

Bio(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. Chun T. Rim is presently a professor at Graduate School of Energy Convergence, GIST in Gwangju, Korea. He is a Fellow of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). He is not only the Co-EiC (Co-Editor-in-Chief) and Associate Editor of IEEE TPEL (Transaction on Power Electronics), but is also the Editorial Board Member and Associate Editor of IEEE J-ESTPE (IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics). He was previously the President of Korea Energy Economics Institute from 2021 to 2022, and the President of Korean Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning from 2018 to 2021. Prof. Chun T. Rim received his Ph. D of Electrical & Electronics Engineering from KAIST, Korea, in 1990. His research areas cover wireless power transfer for electric vehicles and mobile devices, mobile power transfer for drones and robots, as well as policy on energy and national security and so on.

Prof. Chun T. Rim has published eighteen books, 60 international journal papers, 73 International Conference Papers, 66 domestic papers, and 164 patents. He has given more than 120 invited talks, including 34 times International Lectures & Speaking. He served as Co-Editor-in-Chief, Secretary of TC1, Guest EiC, and Associate Editor of multiple IEEE Transactions and international journals, as well as the General Chair and Session Chair of over ten IEEE international conferences.

Prof. Chun T. Rim has won numerous awards, including the “Best Guest Editor of JESTPE,” “Advances in Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Roadway Powered Electric Vehicles” from IEEE in 2018 and 2016. In recent years, he received “Korea President Award,” from Korea Productivity Center, Korea in 2020 and “Grand Service Award,” from United Nations Volunteers Korea, Korea in 2019,as well as six times “Best Paper Award” from KIPE, Korea and EVTeC, Japan.

Suggested Time

2023.10.14   10:30-11:00

Title of Speech

Dynamic Capacitive Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles

Name(s)/Title(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. Khurram Khan Afridi

Photo(s) of Speaker(s)

Abstract of Speech

Road transportation, which accounts for 22 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, is undergoing a major transformation with the advent of ridesharing, autonomous driving, and vehicle electrification. Collectively these technologies, in conjunction with renewable sources of electricity, have the potential to dramatically reduce the negative impact of road transportation on the health of the planet. The successful convergence of these technologies will require electric vehicles that are low cost and fully autonomous. These attributes can be realized through dynamic wireless charging. However, this will require wireless charging technology that is well beyond current capabilities, and opens new areas of research related to power and transportation infrastructure. Using examples from my group’s research on capacitive wireless charging (as opposed to the more common inductive techniques), which leverage very high frequency power electronics, this talk will highlight the opportunities and challenges in dynamic capacitive wireless charging of electric vehicles.

Bio(s) of Speaker(s)

Khurram Afridi is an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at Cornell University. He received the BS degree in electrical engineering from Caltech, and SM and PhD degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT. His research interests are in power electronics and energy systems incorporating power electronic controls. His experience includes positions at CU Boulder, MIT, LUMS, Techlogix, Schlumberger, Philips, Lutron, and NASA JPL. He is an associate editor of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, and a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He has received Caltech’s Carnation Merit Award, the BMW Scientific Award, the LUMS Werner-von-Siemens Chair, Cornell Engineering Research Excellence Award, and the NSF CAREER Award. He holds twenty-two US patents and is co-author of eight IEEE prize papers.

Suggested Time

2023.10.14   11:00-11:30

Title of Speech

The Transmission Line of Things: Sending Power Over and Through Surfaces for Science and Industry

Name(s)/Title(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. Charles Van Neste

Photo(s) of Speaker(s)

Abstract of Speech

When we think of transmission lines, images of power distribution grids and microwave striplines flash within our minds. Yet rarely do we think of objects like a desk, car, or the ground we walk on as a transmission line (T-line). Due to parasitic electrical elements, many objects and their surfaces possess the ability to function as a type of T-line, offering new ways to transfer power. In this seminar, “quasi-wireless” and “conduction” approaches will be discussed that allow the transformation of ordinary surfaces, including the earth itself, into electrical power conduits. Research will be presented that opens the door to an array of new and exciting possibilities previously unobtainable with contemporary wireless and/or two-wired systems. The quasi-wireless and conduction theory of operation will be explored with an overview on the present technology development, the external stakeholders supporting this research, and the types of industrial engineering solutions/opportunities it can provide.

Bio(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. Van Neste is an Assistant Professor working in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Tennessee Tech University (TTU) in Cookeville Tennessee. He obtained his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from TTU in 2009 followed by a post-doctoral fellowship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In 2011, he accepted a position to lead an energy research program as part of a Canada Excellence Research Chairs Grant in the department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Alberta, Canada. There he developed several unique power transfer techniques that he is presently applying over a broad range of research areas and applications. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, currently holds 13 fully granted patents with 4 patents pending, 26 journal publications, 24 conference proceedings, and 1 book chapter. His primary research interests involve alternative forms of energy generation and transmission with a major focus in wireless and quasi-wireless power transfer, high frequency inverter design, electronic instrumentation, electromagnetic interactions, and sensor development.

Suggested Time

2023.10.14   11:30-12:00

Title of Speech

Implementing Negative Inductance

Name(s)/Title(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. C. K. Michael Tse

Photo(s) of Speaker(s)

Abstract of Speech

An inductor is characterized by a constitutive relation of its voltage being proportional to the rate of change of its current. The proportionality constant is called inductance, which is positive for physical inductors. In this talk, we will introduce a theoretical element with the same constitutive relation as an inductor, but the inductance has a negative value. While gyrator circuits can implement negative inductance in the small-signal sense, such circuits do not behave as a real negative inductor. We will present the idea of a standalone negative inductor that can cancel a real inductor, and envision its wide applications in power electronics.

Bio(s) of Speaker(s)

Chi K. Michael Tse received the BEng degree with first class honors and the PhD degree from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He is presently Associate Vice-President (Innovation) and Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong. He has been appointed to honorary professorship and distinguished fellowship by several Australian, Canadian and Chinese universities, including Honorary Professor of Melbourne University, Honorary Professor of RMIT University, Distinguished International Research Fellow with the University of Calgary, Distinguished Professor-at-Large with the University of Western Australia, and Chang Jiang Scholar Chair with Huazhong University of Science and Technology. His research interests include disease spreading, power electronics, smart power distribution and nonlinear systems. The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society awarded him the IEEE CASS Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement Award 2022 in recognition of his outstanding contributions and continued leadership in the development of research in complex behavior of power electronics and energy systems. He has been awarded a number of research and invention prizes, including Best Paper Prizes from IEEE and other journals, Grand Prize and Gold Medal with Jurys Commendation in Silicon Valley International Invention Festival 2019, Gold Medals (with Jury’s Commendation) and Silver Medal in other international invention exhibitions. He was listed in the top 2% of the World's Most Cited Scientists by a recent Stanford study released in October 2022, and was ranked 1st in Hong Kong, 3rd in China and 32nd worldwide for his career-long impact in the subfield of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He serves/served as Editor-in-Chief of several journals, including IEEE Transactions, IEEE magazine and newsletter, and also serves/served on several grant panels, including Hong Kong ITF, ITC/ESS, RGC, and European Research Council.

Suggested Time

2023.10.14   16:20-16:50

Title of Speech

Single-Wire Power Transfer and Space Restricted-Motion Wireless Power Transfer

Name(s)/Title(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. CHEN Xiyou (陈希有 教授)

Photo(s) of Speaker(s)

Abstract of Speech

This report covers two topics: single-wire power transfer (SWPT) and space restricted-motion wireless power transfer (SRM-WPT). For the SWPT, two systems based on single-layer and multi-layer Tesla′s coils are established, respectively. The transfer principles of SWPT system with lower single wire and upper single wire are revealed. In experiment, the transmission distance of SWPT system can reach thousands of meters with a higher transmission efficiency. Moreover, the dynamic SWPT (Quasi-Wireless Power Transfer, Quasi-WPT) for electric devices on the metal table or shelves are studied. For the SRM-WPT, two kinds based on the quasi-magnetic resonant cavity and rotating magnetic field are introduced, respectively. The efforts of this report can expand the research scopes and application fields of SWPT and WPT.

Bio(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. Xiyou Chen is with the School of Electrical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology. He has edited two textbooks and translated two textbooks. Published nearly 100 academic papers and completed 5 national and ministerial level research projects related to wireless power transfer. He is currently a member of Wireless Power Transmission Technology Committee of Chinese Electrotechnical Society and a member of Theoretical Electricity Committee of Chinese Electrical Engineering Society. He is also the Liaoning Province Top Teaching Teacher and the Head of National Excellence Online Open Course “Electrical Engineering”. He has received the Excellent Teacher Award of Baogang Education Fund and the First Prize of Heilongjiang Province Education Teaching Achievement.

Suggested Time

2023.10.14   16:50-17:20

Title of Speech

Non-Hermitian Parity-time(PT) Symmetric Systems for Efficient and Stable Wireless Power Transfer

Name(s)/Title(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. LI Yunhui (李云辉 教授)

Photo(s) of Speaker(s)

Abstract of Speech

I will report the recently developed efficient and stable resonance Wireless power transfer (WPT) based on non-Hermitian systems, which starts from a different avenue (utilizing loss and gain, namely, source and load) to introduce novel functionalities to the resonance WPT. From the perspective of non-Hermitian mechanism, the coherent and incoherent effects (the near-field coupling and the impedance of source and load) compete and coexist in the WPT system, and the weak stability of power transfer mainly comes from the broken phase associated with the phase transition of parity–time symmetry. Based on this basic non-hermitian framework, several optimization schemes have been proposed, including the use of nonlinear effect, resorting to systems with high-order parity-time symmetry, or the combination of non-Hermitian mechanism and topological coupling. Moreover, the anti-resonance modes in anti-PT sysmetric non-hermition systems also provide a versatile platform for robust WPT with a stable working frequency due to the level-pinning effect. Thus, the non-Hermitian mechanisms can not only predict the main results of current WPT systems exactly, but also provide new ways to solve the difficulties of previous designs.

Bio(s) of Speaker(s)

Yunhui Li is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Shanghai Research Institute for Intelligent autonomous systems. He received the Bachelor’s degree (2001) and the Ph.D. degree (2006) in physics from Tongji University, Shanghai, China. From 2009 to 2011, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong, China. Since July 2006, he joined Tongji University as a lecturer and was promoted to a Full Professor in July 2011. Professor Li is the vice chairman of the Professional Committee of Electrical Theory and New Technology of China Electrotechnical Society (2021-), the vice chairman of the Professional Committee of Wireless Power Transfer Technology of China Electrotechnical Society (2020-). He has published over 90 SCI-cited papers, 30 EI-cited papers in journals and held more than 50 patents. His research team has undertaken 5 key R&D projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and won the title of innovation team of Tongji University and the Ministry of Education. He also won the first prize of Shanghai Natural Science Award, and transformed more than several million yuan of patent achievements. His research interests mainly include artificial electromagnetic materials, wireless power transfer and autonomous intelligent perception.

Suggested Time

2023.10.14   17:20-17:50

Title of Speech

Research on Wireless Power Supply Application for Harsh and Dangerous Environment and Internet of Things

Name(s)/Title(s) of Speaker(s)

Prof. LI Xiaoning (李晓宁 教授)

Photo(s) of Speaker(s)

Abstract of Speech


Bio(s) of Speaker(s)



Call for paper

